Der Leuchtenmarkt 2015
The annual special issue „Der Leuchtenmarkt 2015“ provides valuable suggestions…
Wohn!Design No.4 2014
Möbel, Macher, Manufakturen: In seiner Ausgabe 4/2014 lädt Wohn!Design zu einer…
How to save energy with Propeller in winter time
Propeller is not only light source, design object and refreshing ventilator on…
Luxus Wohnen No.4 2014
Luxe up your life! This is how the lifestyle magazine „Luxus Wohnen“ headlines…
Highlight No. 5/6 2014
The long tour through the Light+Building 2014 fair took the Highlight team also…
Maisons et Décors June/July 2014
Summer in France – not without Slant Floor. In its issue June/July 2014 the…
Light and Building 2014: The Review
During Light + Building in Frankfurt, has once again…
Canadian Interiors May/June 2014
"Illuminated" , that was how the editor of "Canadian Interiors" felt, when…
Interview with Hans Karuga
The product designer Hans Karuga lives and works in Weßling/Munich. Besides… at 'Licht im Raum'
1 transporter, 3 employees , 33 luminaires, 16 square meters of exhibition…
Atrium "Deutsche Möbelmanufakturen" 2013
The magazine Atrium recently published its special edition “Deutsche…
Mitmachen und gewinnen: Ihre Stimme für TWIN!
Die Vorabstimmung zur Wahl der „Leuchte des Jahres 2014“ ist abgeschlossen. Wir…