
Spirited laughter, lively discussions, the chinking of champagne glasses – established players in the design industry as well as aspiring talents both from Brazil and Germany took up on serien.lighting’s invitation to a champagne reception at the Margaret restaurant in Frankfurt/Main on September 19th.

Together, we celebrated the opening of the exhibition ‘Nove Novos – New Nine’ by the German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt/Main, curated in collaboration with the Instituto Tomie Ohtake in São Paulo as part of the cultural program highlighting Brazil, the guest country of this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair. Co-sponsored by serien.lighting, the exhibition showcases the work of the nine most promising young architects from Brazil until January 1st 2014.

As a lighting manufacturer, serien.lighting is known for its pioneering designs and is therefore always looking for fresh ideas and new technologies. Thereby, a nearly forgotten, Belgian embroidery technique can serve as an inspiration for innovative products, as used in the ‘smocked’ screen of the floor lamp GENTLE  – or  even medical lightweight technologies as adapted in the design of REEF.

Such unconventional ideas were discussed on September 19th by local, regional and international architects, designers and heads of the cultural industry. Margarete, serien.lighting’s go-to restaurant and culinary favorite of Frankfurt’s design scene, thereby offered the appropriate environment for international and cross-industry exchange on design and architecture.

We thank our guests from Brazil and Frankfurt’s architecture and art scene for this inspiring get-together and look forward to the next serien.lighting event.